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2020年第二学期澳洲注册管帐师测验EG《道德与打点》常识点:Deontological theories (duty based)

澳洲CPA 常识点汇总

 Deontological theories (duty based)
Deontology advocates that the motive is far more important than the action itself or its consequences. Self-interest or emotion, rather than a sense of duty, are not appropriate motives for an ethical act
2 major concepts related to duty: rights and justice
A right is an entitlement that a person may have by virtue of a particular characteristic, role or condition that defines them.
An ethical theory of rights contends that a good or correct decision is one that respects the rights of others.
Legal and Contractual Rights
Legal rights, namely those rights that are defined and enforced by the legal system, prescribe both what people are entitled to and what duties others have to protect those entitlements.
Contractual rights (also called special rights) arise out of agreements and relationships between individuals. An accountant has a contractual duty.

Human Rights
are natural rights that apply to all people simply because they are human beings
Such as: right to life, freedom of choice, right to the truth……
An important weakness of the rights principle is that it provides little guidance on how to priorities among different rights.
A solution to this problem may be examining the freedoms and interests at stake and deciding which one of all those considered is more essential to human dignity
Concerns 2 aspects
(1) the fairest process by which any person in a particular situation should be treated by others (procedural justice);
or (2) the fairest distribution of benefits and burdens among members of a group or community (distributive justice)
Fairness does not mean treating everyone the same but acknowledging individual differences and allocating resources to reflect these differences.
Unequal distribution of resources only in circumstances where this distribution works to everyone’s advantage, including those placed in an inferior position by the inequality that results


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