是的。ACCA官方于2020年对付原有科目AB(F1)举办了改良,由AB改为BT,全称为Business and Technology,中文译为贸易与技能。固然官方对这一科目举办了名称的改良,海口三亚公司注册,但其测验纲要仍然以原有的AB科目2020-2021年考纲为准,因此,它的测验难度并不会产生变革。总体来说,BT一科中要考查的常识点包罗以下几部门:
A、Understand the purpose and types of businesses and how they interact with key stakeholders and the external environment.贸易和贸易情况
B、Understand business organisation structure, functions and the role of corporate governance 组织布局和职能,公司管理
C、Recognise the function of accountancy and audit in communicating, reporting and assuring financial information and in effective financial control and compliance 财政职能和审计
D、Recognise the principles of authority and leadership and how teams and individuals are recruited, managed, motivated and developed. 率领和打点
E、Understand the importance of personal effectiveness as the basis for effective team and organisational behaviour. 个人有效性和相同
F、Recognise that all aspects of business and finance should be conducted in a manner which complies with and is in the spirit of accepted professional ethics and professional values 贸易伦理和道德